Saturday, July 7, 2012

Will you walk into my parlour? Said the Spider to the Fly. -Real Estate Version

What does the "Real Estate Version" mean when talking about spiders and flies?

Simple Answer: You, the Buyer, are the fly.  Your Solution?  Buyer Agency.

Friends, when you walk into an open house without representation, you have become the fly.  The agent is required under WI law to be working in the best interests of the Seller, making them the spider.
...And take a lesson from this tale, of the Spider and the Fly.
Have Jenny Persha, Real Estate Consultant, meet with you so you don't waste time looking at homes that don't meet your needs.  Don't get caught in a web out on your own.

Search for a home to the right.  Then give me a call at 608-347-5954 to set up a consultation to discuss agency and set up a private showing.

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